Located at the VERY northern tip of the Emerald Triangle, Southern Oregon offers the finest flower, edibles, extracts, plants and more!
OUR MISSION ➡ To provide safe and comfortable access to the finest quality and most exciting varieties of indoor flower, edibles, extracts, concentrates, tinctures, and topicals.
We are here to provide and array of trusted products to fulfill your THC, CBD, CBG, and/or CBN needs. Brands like Hapy Kitchen, Grön, Wyld and Angel are really what make your visit to Emerald Triangle Talent a true cannabis shopping experience!
From guiding newcomers to specific products based on personal experience, to recommending items for the novel cannabis connoisseur or advising what might work best for certain ailments, our highly motivated budtenders are committed to continuing their cannabis education to ensure you get exactly what your mind, body, & soul desire!
Don't see what you're looking for here? Maybe one of our other locations in Medford do — See if a budtender can call and ask.
Come experience the uncompromising customer service while you shop the brands you know - trust - and love like Entourage, Oregrown, Happy Cabbage, Rogue, Drops, NW Kind and Wyld/Good Tide.
Stay High & Be Merry,
The Talent Emerald Triangle Team ❤️
Please check out our store menu at Leafly.com
*As a service to our customers, we try our hardest to keep this menu as accurate & up-to-date as possible.
This tool is helpful for convenient online ordering, inside shopping, and curbside pick up orders.